航空輸送 Air Shipment
Kuehne+Nagel and Apex Logistics receive the last Boeing 747-8 freighter ‘Empower.’ from Atlas Air
The last ‘Queen of the Skies’ unveiled at Boeing E 続きを読む…
航空輸送 Air Shipment
UPS feeder airline intends to buy 20 pilotless cargo planes
https://www.freightwaves.com/news/ups-feeder-airli 続きを読む…
サプライチェーン SupplyChain
https://www.toppan.co.jp/news/2023/01/newsrelease2 続きを読む…
イノベーション Innovation
DHL Global Forwarding supports Grundfos to reduce CO2 emissions along its supply chains
DHL Global Forwarding focuses on reducing Grundfos 続きを読む…
サステナビリティ Sustainability
Kuehne+Nagel teams up with Lenovo to support technology customers in reducing their carbon footprint
To support enterprises in their commitment to mini 続きを読む…
海上輸送 Shipping
Maersk and MSC to discontinue 2M alliance in 2025
MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC)  続きを読む…
サプライチェーン SupplyChain
価格転嫁に関する実態調査(2022年12月)| 株式会社 帝国データバンク[TDB]
https://www.tdb.co.jp/report/watching/press/p23010 続きを読む…
サステナビリティ Sustainability
DSV refurbishes 1,100 trailers, launching trailer refurbishment programme
Refurbishing rather than replacing its trailers, D 続きを読む…
サステナビリティ Sustainability
サステナビリティ Sustainability
国土交通省 第5回持続可能な物流の実現に向けた検討会 中間取りまとめ (案)
https://www.meti.go.jp/shingikai/mono_info_service 続きを読む…