海上輸送 Shipping
英国のeコマース事業者向け配送プラットフォーム事業会社を買収 | 日本郵船株式会社
https://www.nyk.com/news/2024/20240226_0 続きを読む…
テクノロジー Technology
https://monoist.itmedia.co.jp/mn/spv/240 続きを読む…
地政学 Giopolitics
Five Risks to Confront in an Economic Meltdown | SupplyChainBrain
https://www.supplychainbrain.com/blogs/1 続きを読む…
サプライチェーン SupplyChain
How to feed the planet – The global food supply chain is passing a severe test | Leaders | The Economist
https://www.economist.com/leaders/2020/0 続きを読む…
Amazon’s brokerage operation goes national – FreightWaves
https://www.freightwaves.com/news/amazon 続きを読む…