サプライチェーン SupplyChain
Deutsche Post DHL Group | Dec 03, 2020: DHL Global Connectedness Index 2020 signals recovery of globalization from COVID-19 setback
https://www.dpdhl.com/en/media-relations 続きを読む…
テクノロジー Technology
三菱商事、物流シェアリング注力。ロボ導入など効率化支援|日本海事新聞 電子版
https://www.jmd.co.jp/article.php?no=262 続きを読む…
サステナビリティ Sustainability
Maersk and CMA CGM push EU for free emission allowances :: Lloyd’s List
https://lloydslist.maritimeintelligence. 続きを読む…
航空輸送 Air Shipment
A second life for passenger aircraft: Kuehne+Nagel facilitates passenger to freighter (P2F) conversions
https://newsroom.kuehne-nagel.com/a-seco 続きを読む…
配送センター Distribution Center
https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000 続きを読む…
テクノロジー Technology
ロジスティクスにおけるDXの課題と可能性、CDP活用が描く未来とは? | Forbes JAPAN(フォーブス ジャパン)
https://forbesjapan.com/articles/detail/ 続きを読む…
Amazon’s logistics empire faces toughest challenge yet during COVID-19 – Business Insider
https://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-l 続きを読む…
アマゾンを破壊する「ショッピファイ」の超威力 | 卸売・物流・商社 | 東洋経済オンライン | 経済ニュースの新基準
https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/391647 続きを読む…
Maersk terminates agreement with DB Schenker after attempt at hijacking customers
https://shippingwatch.com/logistics/arti 続きを読む…
DB Schenker has moved business from Maersk to MSC
https://shippingwatch.com/logistics/arti 続きを読む…
Maersk’s biggest customer disappointed with the container line’s large-scale logistics ambitions
https://shippingwatch.com/logistics/arti 続きを読む…