経営戦略 Strategy
Another step towards sustainable air freight: DHL purchases 33 million liters of sustainable aviation fuel from Air France KLM Martinair Cargo
https://www.dpdhl.com/en/media-relations/press-rel 続きを読む…
サステナビリティ Sustainability
Maersk vessels live feed meteorologists around the globe with weather data
A.P. Moller – Maersk has in collaboration wi 続きを読む…
サステナビリティ Sustainability
東京ガス 東京建物の物流施設で太陽光発電サービス「ソーラーアドバンス」を活用した自己託送を開始
https://www.tokyo-gas.co.jp/news/press/20220204-01 続きを読む…
配送センター Distribution Center
三菱地所 完全自動運転トラックなど次世代モビリティ受け入れを視野に入れた中核物流拠点
https://www.mec.co.jp/j/news/archives/mec220203_lo 続きを読む…
テクノロジー Technology
Wingcopter inks $16M deal with Spright for US medical drone deliveries
https://www.freightwaves.com/news/wingcopter-inks- 続きを読む…
テクノロジー Technology
DHL Supply Chain buying fleet of mobile warehouse robots
https://www.freightwaves.com/news/dhl-supply-chain 続きを読む…
サステナビリティ Sustainability センコー
https://www.senko.co.jp/jp/news/assets/35a9875cefb 続きを読む…
サプライチェーン SupplyChain
Viewpoint: ‘Disruption indicator’ blames US ports for 80% of global inefficiency
https://www.freightwaves.com/news/viewpoint-disrup 続きを読む…
レポート report
Supply chain chaos and port gridlock could drag on into 2023
https://www.freightwaves.com/news/supply-chain-cha 続きを読む…
海上輸送 Shipping
Container shipping has greatest quarter ever — with more to come
https://www.freightwaves.com/news/container-shippi 続きを読む…