サプライチェーン SupplyChain
Manufacturers adapt in uncertain times – FreightWaves
https://www.freightwaves.com/news/manufacturers-ad 続きを読む…
航空輸送 Air Shipment
Breaking: FAA approves cargo to ride in passenger seats – FreightWaves
https://www.freightwaves.com/news/breaking-faa-app 続きを読む…
サプライチェーン SupplyChain
Logistics Technology Update: the right tools to mitigate COVID-19 disruption – FreightWaves
https://www.freightwaves.com/news/logistics-techno 続きを読む…
サプライチェーン SupplyChain
Creating Supply-Chain Resilience in the Time of COVID-19 | SupplyChainBrain
https://www.supplychainbrain.com/blogs/1-think-tan 続きを読む…
陸上輸送 Surface Transportation
Uber ‘re-evaluating’ non-core units like freight, WSJ reports – FreightWaves
https://www.freightwaves.com/news/uber-re-evaluati 続きを読む…
テクノロジー Technology
ANAHDと物流ドローンの共同開発に向け業務提携 – エアロネクスト | Aeronext – ドローン・アーキテクチャー研究所
サプライチェーン SupplyChain
FedEx and Microsoft join forces to transform commerce
https://www.j-log.com/en/integrator/FedEx%20and%20 続きを読む…
配送センター Distribution Center
Improving fulfillment efficiency during COVID-19 – FreightWaves
https://www.freightwaves.com/news/improving-fulfil 続きを読む…
テクノロジー Technology
Shipping group promotes standardized e-bill of lading – FreightWaves
https://www.freightwaves.com/news/shipping-group-p 続きを読む…
サプライチェーン SupplyChain
ASCII.jp:IBM、新世代ブロックチェーン基盤製品やSaaS、導入事例を紹介 (1/2)
テクノロジー Technology
Deutsche Post DHL Group | May 19, 2020: myDHLi: DHL Global Forwarding launches innovative one-stop customer portal for digital logistics
https://www.dpdhl.com/en/media-relations/press-rel 続きを読む…
海上輸送 Shipping
Container import roller coaster: down, up, down … up? – FreightWaves
https://www.freightwaves.com/news/container-import 続きを読む…